Businesses accumulate information at an alarming rate, which must be safely stored and easily retrieved. Ever increasing legislation governs the way in which this data is kept, how long it is kept for and how it is disposed of. Your business may also be subject to industry specific requirements.
Records management is defined as the management of information in an organisation throughout its life cycle, from the time of inception to its eventual disposal. This includes identifying, classifying, storing, securing, retrieving, tracking and destroying or permanently preserving records.
A record can be defined as a paper or electronic document specifically retained as evidence of an action. Records management systems need to distinguish between documents that become records and those that are non-records (e.g. convenience copies, rough drafts, duplicates), as the latter don’t need formal management.
We can perform a thorough review of your existing records management procedures and expenditure, which will enable us to gain an accurate understanding of what your requirements are likely to be in the future.
Our experience and in-depth knowledge of the market enables us to negotiate with suppliers to ensure you get the best possible solution to help you through the legislation minefield, while keeping costs to a minimum.